LOS ANGELES, CA- The math-rock scene is buzzing with excitement, and for a good reason. Standards, the dynamic duo from Los Angeles, has just given us a peek into their upcoming third studio album, “Fruit Galaxy,” set to drop on March 22. With the release of their first single, “Cosmos,” they’ve once again proven why they’re at the forefront of the genre.

Standards, known for their playful yet intricate style, have been redefining the boundaries of instrumental rock. Their latest offering, “Cosmos,” showcases their signature blend of technically proficient guitar work and infectiously rhythmic beats. It’s a track that doesn’t just appeal to the math-rock aficionados but also to anyone who appreciates meticulously crafted instrumental music.

Guitarist Marcos Mena, a virtuoso in his own right, continues to dazzle with his tap-based playing style, which has become a hallmark of Standards’ sound. His ability to weave complex melodies with an almost effortless flair is nothing short of impressive. Drummer Moises Popa complements Mena’s guitar work perfectly, delivering rhythms that are both complex and compelling. Together, they create music that’s as technically sound as it is emotionally resonant.

What sets Standards apart is their unique ability to make math-rock accessible. They strike a fine balance between technical prowess and catchy, guitar-driven melodies. “Cosmos” is a testament to this, offering a track that’s both danceable and thought-provoking. It’s a song that challenges and rewards the listener in equal measure.

The buzz around Standards has been growing steadily over the past few years, with their live performances and imaginative videos capturing the attention of fans worldwide. Their approach to music – combining technical skill with a genuine passion for what they do – has resonated with a broad audience. It’s no wonder they’ve been hailed as a fresh and interesting talent in the world of instrumental rock.

With “Fruit Galaxy,” Standards seem poised to take their music to new heights. If “Cosmos” is anything to go by, the album promises a journey through intricate rhythms and melodies, showcasing the duo’s evolving artistry. It’s not just another math-rock album; it’s a vibrant, colorful exploration of what the genre can be.

As we eagerly await the release of “Fruit Galaxy,” one thing is clear: Standards are not just living up to their name; they’re setting new ones. Here’s to hoping the rest of the album is as refreshing and invigorating as “Cosmos.” Get ready to zone out to an instrumental wave of sound that’s both complex and utterly captivating.

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Standards. "Fruit Galaxy" Album Artwork.
Standards. “Fruit Galaxy” Album Artwork.
Standards Press Photo. Photo credit: Diego Guardado - Editor: Chip McCarthy
Standards Press Photo. Photo credit: Diego Guardado – Editor: Chip McCarthy