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For every artist we decided to catch at SXSW, we decided to review each performance with our own version of “Five Ws and One H” answering the questions: 1) Who are they, 2) What kind of music do they play, 3) When did they play, 4) Where are they from, 5) Why did we decide to catch them play and 6), How was their performance.
WHO: Diamond Thug is Chantel Van T (Vocals + Keys), Danilo Queiros (Bass + Production), Adrian Culhane (Guitar, Backing Vocals + Production) and Ted Buxton (Drums).
WHAT: Dreamy, layered alternative pop.
WHEN: 3/15/17 at Dr. Martens Presents Collide at Container.
WHERE: Cape Town, South Africa.
WHY: I’m the kind of guy who likes to pair his music with his mood or the time of day. During late afternoons, with the sun shining from the sky, I’m pretty big on folk music or dreamy electronica. When I heard Diamond Thug’s “Long Way”, I found the perfect soundtrack for my 3/15/17 afternoon.
HOW: It was no fault of their own, but Diamond Thug’s set at the Container Bar had a rough start. Diamond Thug’s sonics rely heavily on various synths and electronic devices, and the venue’s sound technician may not have been adequately prepared to handle their artistic needs. The delay lasted about 10-15 minutes, and though it may have cut into their set, Diamond Thug wasted no time in getting into their groove and giving Austin a little sample of what Cape Town has to offer.
Their lead singer, Chantel Van T, provided the band’s spunk, and really dug deep to energize the crowd with her stage presence. Whether whipping her hair behind the keys, or dancing around on stage as her bandmates weaved their sonic magic, it was hard not to find her adorable. And when the band played “Long Way”, despite the delayed start, I happily got lost in their sonic dreamscapes.
Follow Diamond Thug on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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Diamond Thug @ SXSW 3/15/17. Stay tuned for my photo gallery and thoughts to get posted on @BlurredCulture! pic.twitter.com/VzFngAF0WV
— Derrick K. Lee (@methodman13) April 3, 2017
Diamond Thug @ SXSW 3/15/17. Stay tuned for my photo gallery and thoughts to get posted on @BlurredCulture! pic.twitter.com/xPYMammgab
— Derrick K. Lee (@methodman13) April 3, 2017