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SOC @ Loaded Hollywood 2/9/17. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq.(@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.
SOC @ Loaded Hollywood 2/9/17. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq.(@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

SOC (the collaborative music project of recording artists Alexx Calise and Dennis Morehouse) are hard at work finishing up a new EP of covers, adding their own rocked-out vibes to a handful of popular songs to make them their own. Getting back to their performing roots, SOC took to the Loaded Hollywood stage to let their respective hair down and give their fans a little taste of what they’re hoping will be a successful year of recording and touring.

The duo has been collaborating for many years, and their close kinship was clearly on display during their live show. Playing mostly songs from their previously released album, plus a pretty sick cover of The Sneaker Pimps’ “Six Underground” (which will be on their forthcoming covers EP album), they sounded sharp and energized for whatever this year may hold for them.

I was able to catch up with the duo after their set to learn more about their current project and plans.


BC: The single for your new EP is scheduled to come out soon, a cover of the Sneaker Pimps’  “Six Underground”, which I’m excited to pick up on iTunes. Besides the music for the EP, what does the band have planned for the rest of year?

ALEXX: We’re going to be doing a lot of touring. I’ll be touring with my solo project starting in May, but we’ll also be doing a lot of SOC shows. Showcasing in advance of the release of the EP which will hopefully be ready in the next few months.

BC: What can we expect from the EP?

ALEXX: It’s a “covers” EP, so that will be a lot of fun. We’ve got the Sneaker Pimps’ cover, an ELO cover, a Backstreet Boys cover and a Jessica Rabbit cover!

BC: Those are pretty “out there” choices!

ALEXX: Yeah! It’ll be a lot of fun! We’re always writing … always always always writing … and hopefully within the next six months, we’ll have some original new stuff to share. But it’s very deliberate whenever we write, it’s never an “easy” process. The first record we did, it took about 2-3 years to come out with that. […] We have about six or seven songs that are unfinished, but we’re working on them right now.

BC: How would you describe the current SOC sound?

ALEXX: I would say …. Pink Floyd meets The Cure meets Portishead …. I hope I’m being accurate about that! [She Laughs]. I guess people just have to check us out to make their own opinion.

BC: Are any current events influencing your writing right now?

ALEXX: I feel very isolated as an American right now. I feel very disenfranchised. I think that our new material is going to reflect that. […] We don’t tend to get very political, but we try to be more thoughtful and even unambiguous. We try to give people hope to some extent. The SOC stuff may sound a little somber, but there’s a hopeful tone to it all. I feel like we should all have hope. “Rebellions are built on hope”… that’s from Rogue One. [We laugh].

BC: Dennis, you want to add anything to that?

DENNIS: [With a huge smile] I’m just the fucking drummer.

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