12 Mar 2025

Check Out The Season 2 Trailer For “Weediquette”

Viceland’s popular documentary series on all things marijuana, Weediquette, is returning for a second season as host Krishna Andavolu continues to chronicle the beloved plant.  In season 2 of Weediquette, Krishna will follow pot’s journey into the mainstream, as he follows a wide range of people who are kicking opiate…

The Avalanches' "Wildflower"

The Wait Was Worth It; The Avalanches’ “Wildflower” Is Exuberant Brilliance [LISTEN]

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] Since I Left You, The Avalanches’ 2000 debut full-length, was essentially a CD-length testament to the pleasures of plunderphonics. Over the course of the 900+ samples extracted from impossibly obscure sources (the album was notably delayed when…