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Foy Vance at Music Tastes Good 2016, September 24th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP:  No matter how much time is allotted for LA traffic, it hardly ever seems to be enough. I thought for sure I was once again going to miss a Foy Vance show — the night before the festival he played a sold-out show at the Troubadour that I sadly couldn’t attend — but somehow I managed to arrive at exactly his scheduled time. I rushed to the stage only to find it empty, except for a couple of very nice security guards and a few hip twenty-somethings sitting against the photo-pit fence in a desperate attempt to seek shelter from the blazing sun while keeping their front row spots. Turns out the festival was off to a late start.

When Foy Vance took the stage as a few more fans trickled in … where was the crowd … stuck in traffic? He started off his unfortunately shortened set with “Noam Chomsky is a Soft Revolution” and the surprisingly paltry crowd loved it. He played each song with such passion and gratitude. Upon hearing “She Burns” one of the hip girls that arrived early squealed, “Oh, I heard this last night!” I was instantly envious. If he was tired you from his concert the night before, you couldn’t tell. His performance set the bar high for the rest of the day.

Before wrapping up the five-song set, he took a moment to graciously thank those who came out early on a hot afternoon, “It’s far too early to be doing anything.”  Not so. Not when you can start your day with a performance from Foy Vance. His announcement of the last song, “Burden,” garnered a collective sigh from the mellow crowd.

I can’t say enough about how much I enjoy seeing Foy Vance live. His early performance time at Music Tastes Good was a shame because his talent is deserving to be heard by more than a sparse crowd. It may have been a shortened set on a hot early afternoon, but starting the festival off with an intimate performance from Foy Vance was the perfect way to begin … I only wish it didn’t end so soon.

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