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Orianthi at KAABOO 2016, September 16th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: The word “virtuoso” doesn’t do Orianthi’s skills with the axe justice. It’s one thing to listen to her records, but it’s another thing to watch her shred live. This was my first time watching her perform live and she lived up my expectations.

Whether it was intentional or not, wearing large, dark shades, and a wide brimmed Panama, it was almost as if she wanted us to focus our attention on her playing, and away from her obvious femininity. As the KAABOO video cameras zoomed in on her hands as she jammed out bluesy riffs or “ballsy” rock, Orianthi personified the axiom that “looks can be deceiving” as she tore that stage up with her sonic barrage of electric guitar goodness.

My friends who have seen her perform at more intimate club venues in Los Angeles have told me she’s also got a few acoustic numbers that I’d probably enjoy. Though I didn’t get to see her strap on an acoustic guitar at KAABOO, you can bet that I’ll be putting that on my list of musical expereinces to check out.

Follow Orianthi on ,  and Instagram.

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