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Bob Moses @ The Wiltern 11/4/16. Photo by Marina Rose (@MarinaRose7) for www.BlurredCulture.com. This photo was obtained under the express authorization and license by Red Bull Media House North America, Inc.


“Where is my free Pizza?!”, I heard a few impatient fans chanting while lined up for Bob Moses show at The Wiltern Theater. I suppose the anticipation for the show stirred some apetites. Plus, free goodies provided by Red Bull are always a bonus. As promised as soon as the doors of the theater opened to the public, early arrival were treated to free pizza and 30 Days in LA souvenirs to temper the excitment until Bob Moses took the stage.

DJ Mike Shannon @ The Wiltern 11/4/16. Photo by Marina Rose (@MarinaRose7) for www.BlurredCulture.com. This photo was obtained under the express authorization and license by Red Bull Media House North America, Inc.
DJ Mike Shannon @ The Wiltern 11/4/16. Photo by Marina Rose (@MarinaRose7) for www.BlurredCulture.com. This photo was obtained under the express authorization and license by Red Bull Media House North America, Inc.

By the time DJ Mike Shannon started spinning techno tunes, the audeince took over the dance floor and long legged fashion bloggers occupied the ever polpular Red Bull 30 Days In LA photo booth. I’ve noticed that Red Bull spread its wings into every aspect of culture, from music to sport and now, apparently, fashion. After working out a deal with Nasty Gal, you can occasionally spot few popular bloggers/stylists here and there at various 30 Days In LA event. For a young and hip band like Bob Moses, it’s no surprise that those  fashionably in the know would attend their shows, but even here the modish lady groups in trendy Nasty Gal outfits could easily compete in stealing the show.

Canadian techno guy Mike Shannon had the whole theater stage to himself for about 4hrs getting the crowd ready for the headliners. By the time DJ played his last beats the sold out venue was packed, and peeps were quite buzzed. The Wiltern definately made their money that night with beverage sales…

The level of anticipation in the sultry air was as high. If you didn’t think Bob Moses shows could be sexy, the Wiltern performance would have changed your mind. The long tempting musical intermissions, lasers in the dark and fog machines all added to the ambience. That’s not including all of the couples making out everywhere … literally. Not Ryan Adams style hugging couples. I’m talking about seriously provocative, spit swapping sessions on the dance floor. I’m not going to lie, I did feel a bit uncomfortable at times.

Though this Canadian electro band is relatively new, they’ve already done a great job and making a name for themselve by playing some the biggest music festivals around like Coachella. After spending months on the road, Tom and Jimmy know exactly who their music caters to and worked the very late start time to their advantage. It’s night owl music. It’s their combination of techno, house and indie-rock genres that place Bob Moses in the style distinctly their own. With Tom’s melodic guitar playing and sensual vocals, and the very complimtary stage lighting/effect, This show had definately made my list as of one of the most memorable shows of the year.

Follow Bob Moses on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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