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Wall Of Ears at The Echoplex 6/26/17. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.
Wall Of Ears at The Echoplex 6/26/17. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

Los Angeles, CA- Last month, Moon Honey had a month long residency at The Echoplex (one free show a week throughout the month) and invited a plethora of bands to share the stage with them with opening sets. Kicking off Moon Honey’s final residency gig was the Seattle, WA (by way of New Orleans) psychedelic pop band Wall of Ears.

In its current incarnation, Wall of Ears is Chris Lott (formerly of As Cities Burn), Tony Pettigrew, Bryant Hammonds, Derrick Wright and Jon Ruseski. Though I wasn’t to familiar with their prior repertoire, this  wonderfully eclectic band performed a solid set that I think was was filled with cuts from their most recent album, “Hello Beautiful Nothing”.

Their sonics seem to touch on a little bit of every genre- from electronica to pop to surf rock- but at it’s core it 100% psychedelic. They seem to be a band that loves to experiment with sounds, pushing the boundaries of what noises can be incorporated into their music without disrupting the overall flow. It took maybe a song or two for me to find my own groove while they performed, but once I did I was locked in fully entrenched in what they were playing.

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