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The Mowgli's at KAABOO 2016, September 17th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: If there’s a band that embodies the “spirit” of California when they perform, it’s The Mowgli’s. Currently touring in support of their newly released, 4th studio album, “Where’d Your Weekend Go”, the indie rock band played a midday set at KAABOO filled with their trademark smiles and happiness infused sonics, effusing their carefree aura upon the audience. Colin Dieden even asked the crowd if they were all happy, to which he answered his own question with an, “I sure am”.

The band’s performance demonstrated their familial connection with each other. Their tuned harmonies and tight playing … even their matching jean and white t-shirt dressage … emphasized how closely knit they are with each other. Though we have yet to closely listen to their new album, we have no doubt that they will be entertaining audiences with their infectious happiness, and having them tune into their latest output.

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