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Thee Commons at MainFest Alhambra 9/10/16. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: Clowns, man. They creep me out. It was my first time watching/listening to Thee Commons perform live, and perhaps their musical concoction of psychedelic, surf rock and cumbia lends itself to equally psychedelic visuals,  but I made a conscious effort to focus my attention on the players performing and averted them from the clowns and pink gorilla who juggled and danced on stage.

Honestly, while the crowd was amused with the onstage antics of the costumed participants, I was entranced by the kinetic energy exuded by the musicians themselves. Watching their bass player dance and fly about on stage with his instrument was the only visuals I needed to get excited about their performance. They played with such an intense commitment to their art that notwithstanding the fact that I couldn’t understand much of what they were singing as I don’t speak Spanish, I still found myself getting drawn to their groove and rhythmic expressions.

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