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LOS ANGELES, CA- After seeing the raves from a music savvy friend on Facebook, I decided to head out early to FYF on Sunday catch Julien Baker’s 2:45pm set. Without really knowing what she, or her music, was all about, I can easily say that catching her set was easily one of the best decisions I made that weekend. Julien’s music is absolutely heart breaking. Surely rooted in personal experience, the emotions that emote from the charming melodies that she delicately sings in her pure soprano voice was heavenly. Sad … but heavenly.

Clearly, Julien was fully aware of somber nature of her music, taking moments in between songs to infuse the crowd with a little joy and self-deprecating humor. At one point she dedicated a song to some of her newly engaged friends who were in the audience and later she joked:

“We got disco balls here. Maybe get some lights going so you can dance to this really upbeat music. The good news is that it can only get better from here.”

Though the audience laughed with her, I’m sure that they would have been just as content if she proceeded to sing her set without the levity. She played solo, without the backing of a band, but perhaps that was for the best as it made the audience focus their attention on her, and her lyrics that touched upon the  heavy topics of emotionally painful breakups and substance abuse.

Her performance impressed me so much, that her debut solo album, “Sprained Ankle”, was the only album I purchased that weekend without incentive (I purchased a Vince Staples LP, but I did that in order to get priority status for his signing session). While listening to her perform, I had a vision that she would be performing at Coachella’s Outdoor Stage sometime in the future. If that ever happens, you can be that I’ll be there basking in the sun and in her sweet, forlorn tunes.

Follow Julien Baker on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Oliver Walker for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Oliver Walker for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By
Julien Baker 8/28/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Photo by Elli Papayanopolous for FYF Fest. Used With Permission By


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