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The Vryll Society // 3/17/2017 at Latitude 30 presented by BBC Music Introducing/PRS forMusic Foundation // SXSW 2017 // Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.
The Vryll Society // 3/17/2017 at Latitude 30 presented by BBC Music Introducing/PRS for Music Foundation // SXSW 2017 // Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

For every artist we decided to catch at SXSW, we decided to review each performance with our own version of “Five Ws and One H” answering the questions: 1) Who are they, 2) What kind of music do they play, 3) When did they play, 4) Where are they from, 5) Why did we decide to catch them play and 6), How was their performance.


WHO: The Vryll Society is a five piece band consisting of Michael Ellis, Ryan Ellis, Lewis McGuinness, Benjamin Robinson and Lloyd Shearer.

WHAT: Alternative/Psychedelic, Indie Rock.

WHEN: 3/17/2017 at Latitude 30 presented by BBC Music Introducing/PRS for Music Foundation

WHERE: Liverpool, United Kingdom.

WHY: I heard “Self Realization” stoned, and I added them to my list.

HOW: I was completely sober watching The Vryll Society, and I still thought they were dope. Their sound is something I feel like I’d hear repeatedly on either KROQ or KCRW. Their lead singer, Mike Ellis, with his mop top hair-do, laissez-fare stage demeanor and Jagger-esque stage movements, felt like a throw back to the era of late 60s – early 70s psych rock, and his vocal delivery reminded me of The Stone Roses’ Ian Brown. The band’s sonics was imbued with a wash of sound highlighted by fuzzy guitar licks and a luring pace … which was perhaps why I was so drawn to them in the first place (see “Why” above). Even as I was shooting, I was hypnotized by their music … which was probably a reason why I didn’t even notice it when Mike accidentally spat on me … Don’t worry, Mike… I really had no idea. LOL.

There’s lots of potential with this band. It sounds like they’ve found a good musical niche, and I’m excited to hear more from them.

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