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Long Beach, CA- Ever since I caught Spare Parts for Broken Hearts at The Hi Hat back in January, I was keen on seeing them perform live again. Their music- loud, crunchy and filled with fiercely emotional angst- really taps a nerve in me, and that’s a drug I definitely can’t get enough of. I buy almost all of my music in vinyl or CD form, but I paid for download(!) of their latest single “EVER”. That’s how badass I think their music is.
With an early evening set opening for Nina Diaz, I made sure I left the office early enough to get through traffic to bask in their glorious rock. When I got to the venue, I spent some time chatting with a couple of the band members. Sarah enlightened me to the fact that she had opened for Nina’s other musical project (Girl In A Coma- another band I love) on several other occasions in the past (which made me love Spare Parts that much more), and that she was also working on some solo material which she described (if my memory serves me right) as being a little “darker” than the current Spare Parts repertoire. Mikey and I got to chatting about music and the wonders of Spotify. Needless to say, we speak the same language.
Though the crowd was slowly drifting in and ordering drinks while they played, you could tell that new ears were getting turned on to their sonics. Case in point, after the evening’s music had concluded, attendees came to the Spare Parts merch table to express the awe of how “awesome” and “badass” Spare Parts rocked it, with one new fan event whispering into Sarah’s ear, “I liked you guys the best tonight”.
I’m not the only one who obviously loves this band’s music and their live show. Sarah’s solo project notwithstanding, I hope that this trio will keep on writing and rocking together because they’ve got something good going on.
Follow Spare Part For Broken Hearts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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Spare Parts For Broken Hearts from Long Beach, Ca “LIVE” Alex Bar – Long Beach, Ca 6-9-2017
Posted by Charles Russell Baca on Monday, June 12, 2017