Hollywood, CA- Of all bands that I saw at SXSW this year, a band that made my top 10 list was Slowkiss, an alt rock band based out of Santiago, Chile. When I found out that they had a gig at the Viper Room April, 1st, I was pretty devastated that I couldn’t make it out due to a prior commitment. Thankfully, the talent booker at the Viper Room enjoyed their performance as much as I did and invited them back later in the week to play a second gig before they travelled back to South America. I had plans earlier in the evening, but I made sure that I didn’t miss their second Viper Room gig.

The headliner for the evening was a heavy metal Madonna (Madonicca) cover band, and Slowkiss was to take the stage to close out the night. The hundred plus attendees dissipated a bit following the Madonna tribute, but the handful of patrons who remained were treated to an intimate and fiery performance by this quartet from Chile.

It was a small crowd, but Slowkiss played the room as if it were sold out, baring their souls with the every chord they shred and beat they bashed. Elisa and Vicky  growled out their catchy hooks as Ignacio took advantage of the ample space on stage to dance about and work on his flying kicks. The way Elisa and Vicky interacted with each other on stage, you could feel the connection there, a bond formed through the communal act of creating art through sound, while kicking ass at the same time.

I don’t often fall in love with a band, but there’s something about Slowkiss that just riles up my fancy. Great songs. Great performance. I simply can’t wait until they are back in Los Angeles again.

Follow Slowkiss on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.