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Machineheart at Music Tastes Good 2016, September 24th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: A band that I was keen on catching early on Day 2 of Music Tastes Good was upstart synthpop band Machineheart. I saw them last year opening for another band at The Troubadour, and their well produced songs, sung by their charismatically fresh-faced lead singer, Stevie Scott, left enough of impression on me to put them on my radar.

While the festival, as a whole, was run very well, set times for the early acts on Day 2 were truncated due to “house doors” opening slightly behind schedule. As such, bands like Machineheart had to have minutes shaved from their set time. And that was a bummer.

For an early afternoon set time that was delayed, I was surprised to see a decently sized crowd waiting patiently for Machinheart’s performance to start; even waiting through a diametrically opposed band that played hard punk before them. But those who waited patiently were rewarded with a solid, if shortened, set.

Out of the gate, Stevie Scott danced around the stage, climbing barefoot over subwoofers to get closer to the crowd, wooing them into her sonic world. Her dulcet voice was accompanied by the tight playing of the band, and when she announced the last song of the set, I could feel the crowd release a collective mental sigh; a sign that signaled a longing for more.

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