Saturday Sunday


“… Feeling empowered, I headed back to the Franklin stage to prepare. Being a fan of Santigold’s “Lights Out” from her self-titled album, I was excited to finally get to see her live.

The cover of her first album initially drew me in for it’s mixed-media, arts-and-crafts approach, but ten years passed and her music became a memory of my twenty-one-year-old self. Before her set even started, the audience was greeted with tissue paper pom-poms and gold, yellow, and pink streamers. We were all invited to a party, to her party, and once she entered in an epic fashion, it was game on, literally.

She was joined on stage by two dancers who were dressed ready to play and entertain the crowd at Wimbledon. Santigold’s green hair shined as bright as Daisy Buchanan’s dock light and despite being forty-two, she sang, danced, and performed with more gusto than any so-called performers seen on the Grammy’s. Pool floats with the designs of pizza, watermelon, pretzels, and beach balls flew over and through the swaying crowd as Santigold donned bright, blue pants and helped me to feel like a fresh-eyed twenty something again …”

Follow Santigold on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Saturday Sunday


Santigold @ Music Tastes Good 9/29/18. Photo by Lisa Mony for Music Tastes Good. Used with permission.
Santigold @ Music Tastes Good 9/29/18. Photo by Lisa Mony for Music Tastes Good. Used with permission.