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The Lonely Biscuits @ The Roxy 5/9/2017 // Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.
The Lonely Biscuits @ The Roxy 5/9/2017 // Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

Los Angeles, CA- The second opening act for The Weeks at The Roxy 5/9/17 was a band that turned the energy level way up in the venue. The Lonely Biscuits, who were also celebrating the birthday of their frontman, Grady Wenrich, demonstrated an infectious passion and camaraderie on stage that was a joy to watch.

Jumping and dancing around on stage with their instruments- even “lounging” (see photo in the gallery) as other members in the band took a moment to flex their musical chops with a solo- The Lonely Biscuits’ set was about as fun and relaxed a performance as I’ve seen in a while. Smiles, on stage and off, were plentiful; a clear testament to the kind of joy this band’s music and stage presence can bring.

The friendship that they exhibited on stage wasn’t just limited to their own band, as they also joined The Weeks for a couple of raucous jams later on in the evening. Literally climbing all over each other while shredding and singing, it was a glorious kind of chaos that the best kind of parties always have.

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