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Catholic Action // 3/17/2017 at Mohawk Indoor presented byThe Glasgow Buckaroo // SXSW 2017 // Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.
Catholic Action // 3/17/2017 at Mohawk Indoor presented by The Glasgow Buckaroo // SXSW 2017 // Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

For every artist we decided to catch at SXSW, we decided to review each performance with our own version of “Five Ws and One H” answering the questions: 1) Who are they, 2) What kind of music do they play, 3) When did they play, 4) Where are they from, 5) Why did we decide to catch them play and 6), How was their performance.


WHO: Catholic Action is Chris McCrory, Ryan Clark, Jamie Dubber and Andrew Macpherson.

WHAT: Indie rock with will honed pop sensibilities.

WHEN: /17/2017 at Mohawk Indoor presented by The Glasgow Buckaroo.

WHERE: Glasgow, Scotland.

WHY: As I was doing research on bands I wanted to catch at SXSW, I stumbled upon this sharp little ditty.

Clean, crisp production with a catch hook as enough to get me interested to see how this band would translate their sound live.

HOW: These chaps are solid. Their set was filled with a series of tunes that dipped it’s toes into post-punk rompers and  glam rock excess, all the while getting those in the audience bob and weave to the beat that their drummer banged. Filled with guitar solos than warbled in your ears, and with acerbic lyrics that had me wanting to paying attention, the potential of this band seems pretty damn limitless. I didn’t have time to capture any video oft heir performance, but see the official video for their catchy number “Rita Ora” below.

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