LOS ANGELES, CA- Before COVID-19, Blurred Culture used to co-host musical showcases in the heart of Hollywood at Madame Siam. Even though we aren’t able to showcase local talent due to the pandemic induced general lockdown … wear your masks to flatten the curve people!… artists are still working on their craft and putting out new music.

An act that we hosted about a year ago, Foolish Deep, are one of those bands, and they’ve recently released a new  4-track EP titled The Fool. With a natural ability to evoke the 80s and 90s pop/rock sensibilities, Foolish Deep’s latest effort is a solid collection that really highlights the sonic path that taking.

We were able to catch up with Foolish Deep’s founder and lead singer, Caspar Madaus-Brück, to chat a little about the recent EP. Press play below and read on.


Hey, Caspar. It is good to catch up with you. It’s been a while. The pandemic. Protests. The world’s been kind of crazy as of late. How have you been holding up?

Hey Derrick, thank you very much for having me. Yes, it has been crazy but I am doing fine. I recently came back to Europe for a few weeks but before that, I was out protesting as well and now I am trying to keep up with everything from over here. In the meantime, the band and I have finished and released our first EP. We worked very hard on this and it took quite some time. The songs were done a while ago but it just wasn’t quite how I wanted it to sound. So my friend and producer Max Hurrell and I stripped everything down and started new. We are very happy with the end result

What exactly was it about the way they were originally produced that wasn’t to your liking?

We needed to tighten up a few parts that could have been played better and the vocals needed some more precision. But the main point was the atmosphere. That is one of the most important aspects for me. These songs are meant to paint musical pictures. Sometimes it’s just little adjustments of synth pads and reverbs, more feeling in vocals, or whatever it takes to open up the curtain for a scenery of emotions.

Of the four songs on the EP, is there any song, in particular, that really resonates with you or has a deeper meaning that a casual listener may not hear?

I think ‘Stranger’ has always been the one that meant the most to me. It is the most personal one on this EP. I wrote this song within a couple of hours. Everything just fell into place very beautifully and felt right instantly. I think it happened so quickly and so naturally because I felt all of these things in one day. It was a pure moment. It talks about the strange in a familiar place. Meaning even though you know all these people and your surroundings well, you feel that it is all so far from who you are. You think that you just don’t seem to fit in and at the same time, you ask yourself why. Just because you have friends around it doesn’t mean that you cannot feel loneliness. But it is part of a realization, which is a good thing in my opinion because at that moment you learned a little more about who you really are. I also know that the band members and especially bass player Leo Vasquez connect very strongly with this song. You can feel that every time you watch us play this song on stage.


We’re all waiting for stages to open back up too, Caspar… and we can’t wait to host you guys again.

Follow FOOLISH DEEP on Facebook, Instagramand Twitter.


Foolish Deep (Portrait) @ Madame Siam 7/6/19. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.
Foolish Deep (Portrait) @ Madame Siam 7/6/19. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.