Russia is known for their unorthodox policy and ideas on many subjects, and their new rules on drugs at the World Cup are no different.

 The Moscow Times is reporting that football fans at the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be allowed to bring weed and cocaine to the game. The new rules come as a slight surprise though, as Russia isn’t usually known for its permissive or liberal outlook. All the drug owners have to do is fill out the necessary paperwork for the World Cup, which Russia is holding fro June 14 to July 15 this year. As if football fans weren’t rowdy enough, the Third Rome will be allowing them to get even more charged on cocaine. As well as allowing the powdered stimulant, Russia is allowing people to take heroin into the stadium, as long as you have a doctor’s note.


According to regulations by the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union, travelers can bring the drugs into the country on the condition that they bring documentation written in the Russian language that the narcotics are for medicinal use. Fans can also bring a certified copy of the ‘recipe’ and will have to fill out a customs declaration. The Russian 2018 World Cup Organizing Committee says on-duty law enforcement at the stadiums will be responsible for checking the legitimacy of the prescriptions. Russia may just have the most lit world cup in the history of the sporting event. I hop the cameras cut away into the stands so we can see whats really going on!