LOS ANGELES, CA- We’ve been lucky enough to catch 222 in concert a handful of times, so we can vouch for  how good this band is live. For the their latest music video, they’ve captured a bit of that magic on film for the video of their song “Has The Whole World Gone Mad?” which is a song off their 2017 album “I’m Not Trying to Be You…”

“This video was the first video we were able to record in one day and edit in one night. We wanted to bring a little of our live experience to our videos. This one is almost the opposite to our last epic video “Across the Great Divide”. No motorcycle accidents or getting thrown out of Airbnb’s this time.” – Dennis Hamlin

If this video doesn’t make you want to catch them live, I can’t do nuthin’ for ya man. Peep the video and check them out!

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