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The Walcotts at KAABOO 2016, September 18th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: After getting a chance to listen to an advance copy of The Walcotts’ latest album, “Let The Devil Win”, I knew that their performance at KAABOO would be worth getting the fairgrounds early on Sunday. After all, any band that can fill a the stage with 9 players to jam out some roots rock is better than a strong cup of black coffee.

What they reminded me of, however, is that music ALWAYS sounds better live, and The Walcotts delivered in spades. Tom Cusimano and company took advantage of their early set time and played with the kind of energy that sparks curiosity. Early festival attendees seemed to be drawn to their energy as their crowd steadily grew in size with every song. The camaraderie of the musicians on stage as they passed off melodic themes to each other was a joy to watch. As each player took their moments to shine with their solos, their companions on stage watched and encouraged their moment in the spotlight.

Since they are a relatively new band, I was particularly amused with those attendees who boldly made their way to the front of the stage to take selfies with the band as they played; selfies that surely were posted to social media accounts with proclamations of, “Hey, this band is something special.” A status update, that I would surely have “liked”.

Follow The Walcotts on Facebook and Twitter.

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