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Colvin & Earle at KAABOO 2016, September 17th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: When two folk/Americana heavyweights team up to record an album, you make the time to see them live. As an aspiring photographer, I circled Colvin & Earle’s set time as a “can’t miss” performance because it was a chance for me to capture a little bit of musical history for my scrapbook.

The timing would be tight.  I needed to catch the start of their set, and then run over to the Main Stage so I wouldn’t miss out on the photo pit time for Lenny Kravitz. As fate would have it, Colvin & Earle’s set time seemed to be delayed. I waited for as long as I could, but with Lenny’s set starting in 5 minutes, I decided to book it over to the main stage.

I told my writer that I would find him in the crowd after I shot Lenny, but my gut told me to run back to Colvin & Earle’s set and hope that security would let me slide on photographing them during the second half of their performance. My instincts were right, and I was able to watch them perform a handful of songs. Thank you, Ms. Security Guard.

It was the finest that folk music had to offer. Their GRAMMY awards and critical acclaim notwithstanding, anybody listening could tell that their music, filled with carefully woven harmonies sung over intricately written lyrics, was that which was crafted by musical minds clearly above the fold.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t yet spent enough time listening to their self-titled debut, but I was enchanted by mood that they set. They wove personal stories about how song came about, and how they’ve curried their friendship over the years, make it a truly personal experience for those who were seated in their audience. If I had not reminded that I was at the festival “working”, alerted by the buzz from my cell phone to the text from my writer reminding me to find him, odds are I would stayed to revel in the songwriting of these two Americana veterans.

Follow Shawn Colvin on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Steve Earle on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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