LOS ANGELES, CA- With South By Southwest (“SXSW”) right around the corner, I’ve spent the past two weeks listening to new music to figure out which artists I want to check out. In what some may consider a ridiculous endeavor, I decided to through the ENTIRE list of SXSW registered acts, checked out their social media profiles, and, most importantly, listened to music from virtually every artist.

When I say “virtually”, there were definitely a handful that I didn’t “check out”. If they didn’t have a Facebook page, I ignored them thinking that if they weren’t taking marketing themselves seriously, then I shouldn’t as well. If they didn’t have music on Spotify, well … too bad. I just didn’t have time to search the web to find where your music was at. DJs? Sorry, DJs. I nixed you off my list as well.

For the first time in my life, I almost regretted that I love every genre of music … but my love resulted in one list … one massive list … of 446 songs by 446 artist totaling 27 hours and 29 minutes.

Now, I’ll only be able to check out maybe a tenth of the list while I’m in Austin, but at least I’ll have something to go by.

Think I should have added someone to my list? Think I should take someone off my list? Click shuffle, have a listen, and leave a comment!

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