Wine isn’t exactly known for being part of a healthy lifestyle – especially when you’re dieting and trying to shed a few extra pounds.

According to two studies, one by Washington State University and the other by Harvard Medical School back in 2016, report the Daily Mail, similarly, they found there’s a polyphenol called resveratrol in red wine that turns white fan into beige fat. Washington State’s research also found resveratrol is a type of antioxidant found in most fruits. Professor of animal sciences Min Du and visiting scientist Songbo Wang, demonstrated mice fed a diet containing 0.1 percent resveratrol were able to change their excess white fat into the active, energy-burning beige fat. Meanwhile, Harvard researchers found in their study – of 20,000 women – those who drank two glasses of wine a day were 70 per cent less likely to be overweight. It’s also thought the resveratrol in wine suppresses your appetite, meaning it’s less likely you’ll end up going for a midnight snack after a couple of glasses of red before bedtime. If it comes down to wine or fruit, I’ve got a sneaky suspicion I know which one most of you will opt for!