Would you sit on a toilet made of Louis Vuitton bags? If the thought has ever crossed your mind, then artist Illma Gore is about to make all your dreams come true. (To give you some idea of Gore’s oeuvre, she is the person responsible for this nude portrait of President Donald Trump.) She worked for three months and used 24 different bags valued at $15,000 total, including a $3,000 suitcase, to make the fully functioning potty. Each piece was sourced from designer resale site Tradesy and the toilet itself is currently on display at the Tradesy showroom in Santa Monica, California. And if you’re feeling like your current bathroom situation isn’t quite cutting it, then the wonderful accessory can now can be yours for $100,000. (In case you were wondering, the ultra luxurious toilet has never actually been used, though according to Gore, “many have offered.”)