Spirit Mother Kicked Off Music Tastes Good Festivities With Solid Set [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE FOR MORE MUSIC TASTES GOOD 2017 COVERAGE! Long Beach, CA- The first band we were able to catch at Music Tastes Good was the Long Beach based group named Spirit Mother. This quartet led by Armand Lance immediately caught…
Dengue Fever Hypnotizes Music Tastes Good With Their Eclectic Sonics [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE FOR MORE MUSIC TASTES GOOD 2017 COVERAGE! Long Beach, CA- Perhaps the one act at Music Tastes Good that best represented the local diversity of the music scene in Long Beach is this one: Dengue Fever. This Long…
Surrender Yourself To Grizzly Bear’s Sonic Bliss For KCRW’s Apogee Sessions
Santa Monica, CA- These days, staying current with a project during self-imposed hiatuses can be a sloping test of the attention span for fans who are barely satiated with the simple requirement of being content with what they already have. It is a tired dinner…
Wild Belle’s “Twilight Concerts” Performance Showed Growth [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] Santa Monica, CA- Elliot and Natalie Bergman are Wild Belle and on August 17th, 2017, they opened up the Santa Monica Pier’s “Twilight Concerts” musical offerings. Formed in 2013, and releasing their first album “Isles”, the band…
Mr. Elevator’s Psychadelic Grooves Provide Perfect Sunset Soundtrack [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE FOR MORE SANTA MONICA PIER TWILIGHT CONCERTS 2017 COVERAGE! Santa Monica, CA- Mr. Elevator is pretty damn trippy. Opening for the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame singer Eric Burden at Santa Monica Pier’s Twilight Concerts on July…
Wall Of Ears Unleashes A Wall Of Sound At The Echoplex [PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] Los Angeles, CA- Last month, Moon Honey had a month long residency at The Echoplex (one free show a week throughout the month) and invited a plethora of bands to share the stage with them with opening…
Pom Poms Celebrate New Album By “Turn[ing] You Out” At The Echoplex [PHOTOS]
LOS ANGELES, CA- On June 13th, 2017, the Pom Poms, an L.A.-based psychedelic/garage rock band, celebrated the release of their album “Turn You Out” at The Echoplex. This is a band that I’ve had my eye on for a while. Over the course of the…
Brian Wilson’s Fans Wax Nostalgic On Pet Sounds’ 50 Anniversary Tour [REVIEW]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] When you love classic rock and the sounds of the 60s, it’s not uncommon to see musicians who are long past their prime. Brian Wilson, however, took this phenomenon to a whole new level. Wilson, who famously…
We’re Hoping SWIMM Will “Love You Down” Every Year
LOS ANGELES, CA- It happened last month, but we couldn’t just let our photos of SWIMM performing at their inaugural “Love You Down Fest” at The Hi Hat just waste away … so here they are. How about them apples? We had to spend most of the…
She Drew The Gun’s Subtle Intensity Was Mesmerizing [PHOTOS+REVIEW]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] For every artist we decided to catch at SXSW, we decided to review each performance with our own version of “Five Ws and One H” answering the questions: 1) Who are they, 2) What kind of music do they…