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After a four-year absence, Sarah Solovay is back. At 18 Solovay made a choice, she took a hiatus from her music career to attend Yale University. For some, this may have felt like too much of a risk, considering that by her 18th birthday her resume boasted a feature in New York Times, a hit on the 90210 soundtrack, opening for Train and John Mayer and a bid to be a Grammy Nominated artist in 2011. But for Solovay it was a no brainer, because her determination to follow her instincts is unwavering.
Now, at 22 years old she has a new single – “Rough Draft”. Her reentry into music has grown without label support. She’s gathered Sirius XM radio play, nearly 46,000 streams on Spotify. It was four years since her last performance when she sold out Rockwood Music Hall in NYC and we were there to see what stage of her evolution she was at. Unsurprisingly we met a woman who has no regrets and is now armed with perspective and education. She is ready to shift her focus to music again, and her passion and devotion to the art has only intensified with her time away.
” I don’t think I ever regretted going to college, but there are a handful of opportunities that I turned down when I was younger that I still sometimes think about. Because in a lot of ways, I feel like I’m starting totally from scratch right now, and in my moments of doubt I do wonder if I’ll ever get back to where I was, so to speak. But I don’t think I “regret” any decisions I made, because I do feel like the learning and growing I did throughout college was invaluable. I think I’m a much better artist and person for having gone to college and for having decided to keep growing out of the spotlight ages eighteen to twenty-two, so I think I ultimately gained a lot more than I lost. “
“Rough Draft” is about knowing that you have the potential to be anything that you want to be. It’s about accepting everything about yourself – good and bad – and knowing that no matter how bad you feel, there is only the potential to be great. She’s not asking for anyone’s approval or judgment in those moments one might feel they’re not living up to someone else’s standards or ideals. This is the perfect song for this moment in her career, and we are inspired by her words and her authenticity.
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