
Pakistan has asked Facebook and Twitter to help identify users in violation of its strict blasphemy laws. Yes this really happened in 2017 and you thought Southern Republicans were conservative crazies. Shit Republicans in the U.S. are ultra liberals compared to most politicians in vast regions of central Asia and African. Under Pakistani law anyone suspected of blasphemy, that’s right blasphemy can be prosecuted and potentially sentenced to death. Death, yea Mark Zuckerberg death….

According to Reuters, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said Thursday that an official in Pakistan’s Washington embassy has approached the two social media companies in an effort to identify Pakistanis, either within the country or abroad, who recently shared material deemed offensive to Islam. Authorities in Pakistan have already identified 11 people suspected of blasphemy and would seek the extradition of anyone living abroad.Facebook said it reviews all government requests carefully, “with the goal of protecting the privacy and rights of our users.

“We disclose information about accounts solely in accordance with our terms of service and applicable law. A Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty or other formal request may be required for international requests, and we include these in our Government Requests Report,” it said in a statement.


Religion of Peace Islam - Behead Those who Insult Islam 2