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Allie Gonino at Trencher for Echo Park Rising 8/20/17. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.
Allie Gonino at Trencher for Echo Park Rising 8/20/17. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

For More Echo Park Rising 2017 Coverage Click Here!

Echo Park, CA-  “Echo Park Rising is a neighborhood event in it’s 7th year that focuses on the music, creativity, diversity and small businesses of Echo Park. There are multiple stages and activities throughout the weekend located on the main routes of Sunset Blvd, Glendale Blvd, Alvarado Avenue, Echo Park Avenue and beyond.” The joy I get from attending this annual, local musical showcase is twofold: (1) I get to see some local acts that have caught my eye rock for free and (2) I get to take fliers on certain bands to see/hear what they’re all about and hopefully add them to my list of local acts to keep and eye on.

When I arrived to Echo Park Rising on August 20th, I arrived with time to spare before the first act I planned on catching. As such, I decided to walk the streets and let my eyes and ears guide me to my first unplanned destination.

Walking down Sunset Boulevard, I noticed a cozy cafe that I figured I’d grab a quick bite to eat at. As I approached, I could hear pleasant melodies from the cafe grow louder. As I stepped in, I noticed a fresh faced blond, seated at a chair with armed with a guitar, singing with a delicately lovely tone. Food immediately took a backseat.

I was smitten by her warm, melodic sounds. Soothing and peaceful, I can honestly say that I got lost in the mood she set with her music, making me completely forget about looking at a menu or the growling of my belly.

Though there were only a handful of patrons in the venue as she played, I could see that was totally invested in the moment, digging deep within herself to express the messages in her lyrics. In between songs, she shared personal stories  about some of the origins of her music (heartbreak) and even raised her voice to speak on social/political issues she clearly had strong opinions on.

In doing my research after the fact to find out more about Ms. Gonino, I discovered that not only was she a working actress having had regular roles on televisions shows like The Lying Game and her  10 Things I Hate About You, but she was also a member of the American all-girl pop group The Stunners.

It all made sense. The poise that she had performing in that quaint cafe spoke volumes on her professionalism, and I was drawn to her performance because of it.  I have a feeling that she’ll be drawing in more people to her and her music sooner rather than later.

Follow Allie Gonino on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

For More Echo Park Rising 2017 Coverage Click Here!

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