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Atmosphere by Oliver Walker for FYF Fest

CLICK HERE to check out more FUCK YEAH FEST Coverage!

Grimes 8/27/16 @ Fuck Yeah Fest. Setlist.This was the first time I’ve seen Grime perform live, and I was duly impressed. I had watched her Coachella live-stream earlier this year, and I’ll have to admit that I was bit turned off by some of the audio mixing; particularly on her vocals. But seeing Grimes live, even in the daylight, at FYF gave me a chance to witness why her fans love her so much.

Now, let’s be serious for a moment. Grimes isn’t the greatest vocalist. In fact, I’ll be the first to say that I find her vocals to me a bit too mousy for my general liking. But, it’s not her vocals that I should have been focusing on. It’s all about her music production, and the sonics that she’s able to create.

Those skills were tested at FYF when technical difficulties midway through her set caused her to lose access to the sampler on stage. She asked the crowd to forgive her incase her music didn’t sound the same as it did on the her albums, further stating that she’d have to play her music “by memory”

“Don’t judge me if it doesn’t sound right.”
By the sound of the loud cheers when she performed “Oblivion”, it apparently sounded just fine.

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SORRY: No photos were provided by FYF Fest for publication 🙁

CLICK HERE to check out more FUCK YEAH FEST Coverage!