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Gavin DeGraw at KAABOO 2016, September 16th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: San Diego is a military town. It’s California’s second largest city, and with approximately 95,000 uniformed military personnel stationed in its borders. Gavin DeGraw made sure that their presence at KAABOO was acknowledged and honored.

During the end of his emotionally charged cover of James Bay’s “Let It Go”, his band riffed and Gavin took a moment to ask how many soldiers were in the audience. As the hands went up in the air, he pointed to each one and individually thanked those within his sightline. It was a classy move, and the only shout-out to the military that I observed the whole weekend (see the twitter video below).

Let’s not let that truly high-class moment, however, obscure how great the rest Gavin’s performance was that evening. Whether he was seated behind his piano, or using the entire width of the stage to address fans in the audience, he let his honest, and catchy, melodies and lyrics fill the warm San Diego air with his being. With his performance, I felt that he was really able to connect with the audience, giving a little bit of himself in a way that we could really connect with him on a personal level such that we could feel the depth of emotions that he was singing from.

It was a classy performmance, filled will classy moments, and with the recent release of his new album “Something Worth Saving” we can anticipate more of the same from Mr. Gavin DeGraw.

Follow Gavin DeGraw on ,  and Instagram.

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