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[pinterest count=”horizontal”]Fall Out Boy at KAABOO 2016, September 16th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: I’m a pretty big fan of Fall Out Boy. “Take This To Your Grave” was the hook, and I’ve been buying their records ever since. I’ve also seen them perform several times in the past few years, the last time being at The Forum in 2015 for KROQ’s Almost Acoustic Christmas.

Since I was on assignment for Blurred Culture, I had to catch most of Jimmy Buffett‘s set which was scheduled at the same time. After hearing “Margaritaville” performed by Mr. Buffett, I decided that I absorbed enough of his performance to write on it, and I booked it over to Fall Out Boy’s stage to watch as much of their set as I could … and am I glad I did.

As I walked towards their stage, they were rocking out to “Dance Dance”, and being that I had done a little research prior to the festival, I knew they had about 6 or 7 songs left in their setlist. Since I missed the time to be in the photo pit, I did my best to wiggle through the dancing crowd to get an angle — any angle — in order to snap off a few shots. I found myself enjoying the music rather than preparing my cameras to take snaps, rocking out to “Thnks fr th Mmrs” and realizing that though Jimmy Buffett is a music legend, I probably would have had more fun if I had watched Fall Out Boy’s set from start to finish.

Then, to top it all off, during “My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)”, Fall Out Boy went all “Las Vegas Production” on KAABOO with dancers from The Dancing Fire putting on dazzling display of skin and fire on stage. Then, to top THAT all off, Fall Out Boy closed their set with a firework display (the only one that I saw that weekend) that was impressive given the fact that they weren’t even playing on the festival’s main stage.

Having just announced the release of a concert DVD from their most recent tour, and with no upcoming tour dates scheduled, it may be a while before we see Fall Out Boy rocking out live any time soon. I’m just glad I decided to check them out at KAABOO.

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