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Aquile at KAABOO 2016, September 17th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAPEn route to the Trestles Stage, I saw some dudes going head to head with dueling alto saxophones. I hadn’t planned on checking them out but ended up taking a detour to the side stage to get glimpse of this band that goes by the name of lead singer Aquile (pronounced ah-kwill). Very groovy.

Sounded nighttime loungy but felt good in the Del Mar sun. Cocktail music but not too light. The seven member band with two backup singers produced a rich, full sound. Kinda Dave Matthews-ish but with a little more funk.

Turns out that the San Diego local is a veteran of The Voice – which I only mention because I was a pretty big Voice geek in the early seasons. While he’s billed as pop-soul, there’s an undeniable proclivity for some jam band indulgence.  As Aquile warmed up the early risers who had made it to KAABOO for the opening bell, a team of house videographers bobbed and weaved across the stage, getting all up in everybody’s parts with their camera equipment. It was kinda funny. It was so early in the day, the crowds were quite sparse, so the video feeds with the super closeups were going to make 20 people look like 200.

But Mr. Aquile and Co. deserved it. It’s a cool thing they’ve got going on. Summery, BBQ, dance, road trip sounds. The last song we caught, “your smile, makes me smile” well … it kinda made everyone smile. If I’m back in San Diego and ever see they’re playing a show, I’d definitely try to go.

Follow Aquile on ,  and Instagram.

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