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Dumpstaphunk at KAABOO 2016, September 16th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: I’d like to personally thank one of photographers I met in the photo pit for pointing out that Dumpstaphunk was playing at KAABOO. God bless you, kind sir.

I’ll be honest with you … Dumpstaphunk wasn’t even on my radar for KAABOO. In fact, I didn’t even realize that they were playing the festival. Yeah, go ahead and slap the back of my head … I deserve it. Amidst the long list of acts playing that weekend, I must have simply overlooked their entry. But to not notice the name “Dumpstaphunk”? Shame on me.

I mean, I’m all about the funk. My favorite city to visit is New Orleans because of New Orleans funk. The Meters, Galactic, The Wild Magnolias, Chocolate Milk … I love it all from every era. I scrapped my festival “schedule” and ran over to catch them play, and I wasn’t disappointed. In fact, I think I spent more time dancing in the photo pit than I did taking photographs.

Having been dubbed one of the best funk bands in the world on numerous occasions, Ivan Neville and company brought that nasty “phunk” from the “dumpsta” and spread it all over the fairgrounds, leaving everyone in the audience sniffing the air, longing for more, after they left the stage.

Follow Dumpstaphunk on ,  and Instagram.

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