The Conor McGregor show arrived at Madison Square Garden in New York on Friday and his presence was felt in a massive way. The current UFC lightweight champion was there to support fellow Irishman Michael Conlan, who made his professional debut, but McGregor didn’t shy away from the spotlight when he spoke briefly to the press assembled ringside. McGregor wasted no time issuing a warning to anyone and everyone involved with the sport of boxing — most notably retired pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather, who is expected to be his next opponent if the superstars can come to an agreement on terms for a fight. “I’m the boxing guy! Watch me take over boxing. Trust me on that. No one in this boxing game knows what’s coming. Trust me on that!,” McGregor shouted. “When I step in there, I’ll shock the whole [expletive] world. Trust me on that.

“Look me in the eyes. 28 years of age. Confident as a mother [expletive]. Long, rangy, dangerous with every hand.” McGregor didn’t bat an eye during his rant while also making a bold prediction when it came to his fight with Mayweather. “Trust me, I’m going to stop Floyd,” McGregor proclaimed. “You’re all going to eat your words. The whole world is going to eat their words. We’re getting close don’t worry about it. You’ll hear about it. I am boxing!”