Sting’s Intimate Performance At KROQ Has More Meaning Than He’ll Ever Know [REVIEW+PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] On August 31, 2016, after a 13 year absence, Sting was back live on KROQ’s radio waves. With check in for the event starting at 6:30am, it was a special concert/interview billed as “Breakfast with Sting”, hosted…
Zack de la Rocha unleashes debut solo single
Well it’s 10:30am in Denver, and already today the New York Mets signed Tim Tebow and Zack de la Rocha released his debut solo single. Maybe I should just go back to bed? As his Rage Against the Machine brethren partnered with Chuck D and B-Real to form Prophets…
The Drake $3M Jewelry Heist Has Been Solved
The case of hip hop’s biggest jewelry heist (well, probably not) has been solved. A man was arrested for stealing $3 million in precious stones and metal from the rapper’s tour bus on Tuesday night. TMZ reports that Travion King, described by cops as a…
Unknown Mortal Orchestra’s Sonic Textures & Infectious Hooks Envelope The Pier [REVIEW+PHOTOS]
CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE REST OF OUR COVERAGE OF SANTA MONICA PIER’S TWILIGHT CONCERT SERIES SANTA MONICA, CA- Bands that are able to faithfully recreate the sonics of their albums “live” earn high marks in my book. They earn even higher marks when the music is…
Dre Babinski’s Steady Holiday Brings The Mellow Vibes To Twilight Concerts [REVIEW+PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE REST OF OUR COVERAGE OF SANTA MONICA PIER’S TWILIGHT CONCERT SERIES With Unknown Mortal Orchestra scheduled to bring the dance vibes to the Santa Monica Pier later in the evening, Twilight Concerts scheduled…
The Inspiration & Perspiration Getting From Point A To Point B In One Take With The Brevet [INTERVIEW]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] On the hottest day of the heat wave to hit NYC, The Brevet, (Aric Chase Damm [vocals, guitar], David Aguiar [drums, percussion] and John Kingsley [guitar]) usher out of a cab in mid-Manhattan. They have had barely 30…
Young Thug To Lil Wayne: ‘I Wish You Could Love Me The Way I Love U’
Everyone’s been weighing in on Lil Wayne’s possible retirement since he took to Twitter over the weekend to hint he’s considering either taking a break or quitting the rap game once and for all. Of those expressing their thoughts on Weezy is none other than…
Dancing My Ass Off To LCD Soundsystem Was The Perfect End To FYF [REVIEW+PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE to check out more FUCK YEAH FEST Coverage! When LCD Soundsystem announced that they would be retiring in 2011, I had the feeling in my gut that they’d be back. After all, their third studio album, 2010’s “This…
High Expectations For Young Thug At FYF Were Not Met [REVIEW+PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE to check out more FUCK YEAH FEST Coverage! I work in hip-hop, but I’ll have to cop to the fact that I’m not very well versed in Young Thug’s discography. He’s released a lot of music in the…
FYF Hosts The Legendary Grace Jones, And If You Missed It “You F*cked Up”! [REVIEW+PHOTOS]
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE to check out more FUCK YEAH FEST Coverage! To call Grace Jones fierce is an understatement. That woman is an undeniable force of nature. At 68, she is living proof of the axiom “age ain’t nothing but a…