16 Mar 2025

NFL Introduced Several Rule Changes

The NFL makes adjustments to the game each season, and this year is no different. Teams voted on proposed rule changes Tuesday, ranging from players leaping over the line on field goal attempts to shortening overtime to 10 minutes. The former was approved, meaning players…

FKJ (French Kiwi Juice) @ Webster Hall 3/23/17. Photo by Vivian Wang (@Lithophyte) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

French phenom FKJ dazzles at Webster Hall [REVIEW+PHOTOS]

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] If Mozart played funk in the 21st century, he might sound almost as good as FKJ. The multi-instrumentalist Parisian, also known as French Kiwi Juice, is a rapidly rising star of the electronic and French House genres. On…