“…Not only has Anderson .Paak released three fantastic albums- his latest being his 2019 LP Ventura– but he has the innate ability to bring the joie de vivre in those albums to life with his stage show. It’s not often we find a lead singer who spends a large portion of time on stage behind a drum kit. Phil Collins, Don Henley … even the soon to be addressed Dave Grohl .. all got their start behind a kit, but they eventually took center stage in front of their instrument when given the chance to front their own projects.

Anderson .Paak embraces the experience to perform while seated at his drums. While he would often leave drumming duties to the alternate drummer on stage so he could sing and strut the stage, he always came back to the top of the elevated platform to whack out some insane drum riff, all the while smiling for the whole world to see. And when he was away from his kit, he still had the rhythm of the music pulsing through his body, as he danced and strutted the width of the stage.
The Free Nationals, the band he plays with, were also seriously on point. The performed cuts from every album in Anderson’s repertoire, and even did a surprising- at least to me- cover of “Suede” off of his Yes, Lawd! collaboration with NxWorries and Knxwledge. I can only imagine how difficult it can be to keep up with the energy and spirit that Anderson oozes, but his players were on point every step of the way. He gave them moments to shine during extended jams throughout the set…”
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