Earlier this week, we took a look at Tesla’s introduction of its soon-to-come Semi Truck vehicle, which to the surprise of many, will not only tackle efficiency agendas, but speed, power and style ones to boot. According to a report from CNBC, Walmart is already seeing the value in Elon Musk’s future endeavor, as the large retailer has preordered 15 of the tech company’s electric tractor trailers.

The forward-thinking machine will hit production in 2019 and will boast a 500-mile range on a single charge, while seamlessly connecting to a fleet’s management system — helping to ensure safe transport and effective delivery. According to Musk, a company can save thousands of dollars, as the new Semi will operate 25 cents cheaper per mile compared to a standard run-of-the-mill diesel truck.

When asked to comment on the Tesla Semi, a Walmart rep had this to say:

“We have a long history of testing new technology – including alternative-fuel trucks – and we are excited to be among the first to pilot this new heavy-duty electric vehicle.”