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Los Angeles, CA- Turnover has done it again. I absolutely love a band that can pull off the transition from the post-hardcore/emo feel, to the dream-pop/shoe-gaze genre that fits just right. If anyone were to ask me what my all-time favorite band to see would be, without hesitation, I would say Turnover. I have loved the band ever since they released their first album, “Magnolia”, and this was my second time seeing them live. Honestly, I have so much fun singing along and being in the crowd dancing to their music that I lose myself in the music. Turnover is such an amazing band that I always get excited to see and attend their shows.
About 2 months ago, Turnover released a new album which we all know as “Good Nature”. This was Turnover’s first full American tour playing in support of their new album. “Good Nature” sounds exactly like the name of the album. It just sounds right. The lush of the new indie rock album seems fitting to any type of setting and mood. I was super stoked to get to see them again but at the same time I was extremely nervous when I was at the front of the stage, waiting for the band to get on and start playing. Would their new sound effect that which I remember from their shows in the past?
They gave a small introduction, thanking the fans for making them feel at home with the new album and thanked the venue as well for having them, and right away they started playing the first song from the new album, “Super Natural”. Immediately, as if under a spell, the crowd started dancing and reciting all of the lyrics, word for word.
They played most of their new album, but also played a couple songs off their second album “Peripheral Vision”. Songs like “Dizzy on the Comedown”, “Cutting my Fingers Off”, and “Hello Euphoria” were crowd favorites. There was crowd surfing, dancing, and to my surprise, a little bit of moshing. The mixture of a new fresh indie album with the old nostalgic daydream album, created this harmonic, beautiful vibe at the Troubadour.
I had a great time at the show. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that it was a remarkable show. I personally never get tired of seeing Turnover as they have such an amazing sound and audience as well, and I can’t wait to see them again.
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— Chamo (@killedslob) November 1, 2017
@BlurredCulture pic.twitter.com/Vwl6JKpWO0
— Chamo (@killedslob) November 1, 2017
@BlurredCulture pic.twitter.com/XkihMSHnFE
— Chamo (@killedslob) November 1, 2017