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For every artist we decided to catch at SXSW, we decided to review each performance with our own version of “Five Ws and One H” answering the questions: 1) Who are they, 2) What kind of music do they play, 3) When did they play, 4) Where are they from, 5) Why did we decide to catch them play and 6), How was their performance.
WHO: Johanna Warren.
WHAT: Earthy indie folk.
WHEN: 3/14/2017 at Champions Sports Bar.
WHERE: Portland, Oregon.
WHY: For some reason, there are certain states/cities/countries whose music I’m inexplicably drawn to. The state of Oregon is one of them. After listening to Johanna Warren’s album “nūmūn” on Spotify (several times), I added her name to both my Oregon and SXSW list.
HOW: After only a day and half of walking the streets of Austin, my feet started killing me. Having forgotten to eat anything the whole day, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and walked over to the bar where Johanna was scheduled to perform to sit down and both rest my feet and satiate my anxious belly.
As the hostess led me to my table, I spied Johanna getting ready for her set. I invited her to join me at my table, and we spent the next 15 minutes chatting about the SXSW experience and my admiration of her records. She was sweet and personable, and those few minutes talking with her confirmed my hope that she would be as pure and genuine as the music she performs.
Her set was an acoustic one, and in the busy bustle of the Austin sports bar where she was performing, her delicately airy voice filled the room and cast a gentle spell over its patrons. As her set progressed, beer-guzzling patrons at the bar got quieter, and a handful of others walked towards the stage, lured in by this Oregon siren’s light, mellifluous song.
After she concluded her set, I found myself in a peculiar daze. It was as if Johanna’s sound had lulled me into a dream-like state where the rest of the world, its sounds and its distractions, were in that moment nonexistent. It was almost too short of performance, and when she finished it was back to the reality of beer-guzzling patrons and sore feet. Oh, to have had it last just a little bit longer.
Follow Johanna Warren on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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Johanna Warren @ SXSW 3/14/17. Stay tuned for my photo gallery and thoughts to get posted on @BlurredCulture! pic.twitter.com/fHvPvO0Div
— Derrick K. Lee (@methodman13) March 30, 2017
Johanna Warren @ SXSW 3/14/17. Stay tuned for my photo gallery and thoughts to get posted on @BlurredCulture! pic.twitter.com/EbBGnG7VYP
— Derrick K. Lee (@methodman13) March 30, 2017