The Evolution of Nina Diaz [REVIEW+PHOTOS]
It’s been a long time coming, but on October 28, 2016, Nina Diaz’s solo album, “The Beat Is Dead”, will see the light of day. I’ve been following Nina’s career since I saw her band Girl In A Coma perform on an episode of Last…
Alexandra Savior Takes A Charming Bite Out Of The Hotel Cafe
HOLLYWOOD, CA– Once again, The Hotel Cafe welcomed Portland’s siren songstress Alexandra Savior to one of their stages. During her last performance at the Hollywood venue, her co-writer, and Arctic Monkey’s frontman, Alex Turner showed up to play guitar and this time, there were a handful…
Alexandra Savior’s Hotel Cafe Performance Had Me Longing For More
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] Alexandra Savior. That name’s got a ring to it, doesn’t it? Her name, coupled with the fact that she was newly signed to Columbia Records and had her debut album produced by Alex Turner of Artic Monkeys, was…