Iron & Wine Got Blissfully Mellow With Music Tastes Good
CLICK HERE to check out the rest of our coverage of Music Tastes Good 2016 RECAP: There are a few moments in life that you just want time to stop so that you can bask in the peace or excitement of the moment. That was the…
Simple Plan’s Sold-Out Gig At The Troubadour Was “Perfect”
LOS ANGELES, CA- Earlier this year, Simple Plan released their fifth studio album, “Taking One For The Team”. Like their four prior albums, “Taking One For The Team” is imbued with their trademark “feel-good”, pop-punk sonics and melodies that have garnered them legions of loyal fans…
Elliphant Kept It Real At Stockholm, CA With Her Fierce Swagger
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE to check out the rest of our coverage of Stockholm, CA 2016 At Stockholm, CA, I saw Elliphant perform first. This would be my 7th time seeing her in concert. I guess you can call…
BRAINFEEDER Feeds The Hollywood Bowl An Auditory Spectacle
“The best thing about tonight is connecting all these universes together.” Thus spoke Flying Lotus at the Hollywood Bowl on September 17th, 2016 when he took the stage under that famous white arch. From Brainfeeder’s own broad slate of artists to their burgeoning relationship with…
Foy Vance’s Music Tastes Good Performance Had Fans Longing For More
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE to check out the rest of our coverage of Music Tastes Good 2016 RECAP: No matter how much time is allotted for LA traffic, it hardly ever seems to be enough. I thought for sure…
The Mowgli’s Celebrate Love & Music At The Bowery Ballroom
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] The Mowgli’s rolled into New York City on Friday just ahead of a storm, and they brought their A-Game with a tornado of joy, for let it be known, Katie and Josh got engaged the night before!!!…
Sweden Comes to Life In Los Angeles For Stockholm, CA … And “I LOVE(D) IT!”
On October 14, 2016, Los Angeles played host to Stockholm, CA, a music festival which featured musical talent from the land of Vikings, the “Midnight Sun” and ABBA: Sweden. You can call me out on my bias, but being half-Swedish, I had the time of my…
Jack Johnson’s Only Concert of 2016 At KAABOO Was The Definition of Chill
CLICK HERE to check out the rest of our coverage of KAABOO 2016 RECAP: I still think it’s weird to see Jack Johnson headline a festival. I mean, there’s really not that much distance between what he does and half the lineup of singer songwriters that…
A-WA Reclaim Tradition In Modernity At The Skirball Cultural Center
LOS ANGELES, CA- What’s with the trios of Jewish sisters named Haim being radically talented musicians? Seriously though. What are the odds? How often do people procreate and have three daughters? How often do those three daughters form a band? How often is that band…
Warpaint Radiated Flawless Synchronicity At Music Tastes Good
[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fbshare type=”button” width=”100″] [pinterest count=”horizontal”] CLICK HERE to check out the rest of our coverage of Music Tastes Good 2016 RECAP: Badass. It’s no wonder why Warpaint, the all girl mood-pop group of four, is a favorite of KCRW … and now mine….