There are many things you sell as a cash strapped student; from battered text books to shoes which you have lost the receipt for. However, one British student took this a step further; auctioning her own virginity online to the highest bidder. 26-year-old Jasmin from London eventually sold her V card to an unnamed ‘Hollywood actor’ based in Los Angeles, who coughed up an enormous €1.2 million (£1,046,216). The clearly flush actor is said to have outbid a Munich based businessman and a Manchester United player; shelling out more on Jasmin’s virginity than many of us will ever spend on property.

The pair have already gone out to dinner together, with the big V day itself scheduled for some point in April at an undisclosed German hotel. I can only imagine the pressure is on for this highly unusual encounter…

Speaking with MailOnline, Jasmin intriguingly revealed she is a ‘fan’ of her lover-to-be:

My parents supported me from beginning. They know everything and agree.

I am 26 and they know that I am adult enough for deciding alone what I do with my body. As I met the actor already and I was always a big fan of [his], I am more nervous as a fan than about losing my virginity.

But who knows. Maybe I will get more nervous when we meet in the hotel.

Jasmin put her virginity up for sale last year through Cinderella Escorts, where her virginity has been medically proven through a doctor’s certificate. If they want a second opinion, the buyer can even have another doctor come along to a meeting, which sounds a little awkward. Jasmin intends to use the sizeable wad of cash to kickstart her own business, and should have plenty enough to make a mark on the business world…