Hordes of people – some armed with axes and machetes – terrorised Johannesburg, as others tore through the township of Alexandra, looting and setting fire to stores in xenophobic, racist attacks. Black South Africans attacked, looted and burned businesses belonging to non black South Africans as they blame foreigners from countries such as Ethiopia, Bangladesh and Ghana for their economic hardships as well as White and Asian South Africanas. In 2018 anti immigrant riots caused more than fifty thousand to flee their homes and over 100 killed. The main stream media has given little voice to the immigrants and minorities being terrorised in South Africa.

About four million immigrants live in South Africa according to official UN data, although some contest the accuracy of this figure. South Africa has a history of xenophobic attacks by black South Africans who accuse citizens of other African countries, as well as Asian & European countries, of coming to steal their jobs.