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Las Cafeteras at Music Tastes Good 2016, September 24th. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.

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RECAP: I had heard a lot about Las Cafeteras before I caught their performance at Music Tastes Good. Being a regular reader of LA Weekly, I noticed when they were dubbed Los Angeles’ “Best Latin Alternative Band” back in 2013, so I made sure catch their early afternoon set on Music Tastes Good last day.

Las Cafeteras live show is a whole lot of fun. Their music, which melds latin music, americana and even hip-hop, was fast paced and performed with an exuberance and energy that was clearly suited to get the crowd excited. With a wooden block positioned at the front-center of the stage, members of the band took turns dancing on top of it while the music played behind them.

They sang in both English and Spanish, but each songs meaning was not lost on the audience as they smartly prefaced most of their songs with their meaning, mostly socially conscious or political, to ensure that the message of their music, amidst the playful dancing and inter-band exchanges, wasn’t lost on the crowd.

They made it a point to clearly set forth their political leanings for the current election cycle, and it was no surprise that Donald Trump was high on their list of suspect “politicians”. Their momentary political rants touched on racial, social, and economic equality and their anti-trump rhetoric and messages of cultural positivity drew massive cheers from the audience. The band was also joined on stage by a couple of special guest performers, Eugene Toale on sax and rapper/cultural advocate Damon Turner who each helped spread the message in their respective musical avenues.

The band currently has several spot performance dates across the United States the rest of the year. If you are worried that the language barrier may make it difficult to enjoy their performance, rest assured that it won’t. You’ll be entertained. Trust me.

Follow Las Cafeteras on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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