What are the biggest pressures for an up-coming artist? How do you personally defeat these pressures?

I feel that there are two main pressures for upcoming artists like myself. The biggest pressure I constantly feel every time I make a song, is to stay true to myself. I have to keep reassuring myself that being as unique as possible will be the best way to build a sustainable career out of this.
The other pressure for me comes after the music. I could make the most amazing music in the world, but if it isn’t pushed properly, would it have been worth it? This is one element that I’m still working on and have realised that sometimes it’s best to involve other people who are more skilled in certain areas.

Pressure’ shows confidence in you as an artist, with the pressures of social media and rappers confronting these pressures publicly, what was your mind state with this track?
I guess the confidence comes from the years of live shows I’ve performed at. That really helped develop my stage presence. My mind set when approaching not only this track, but any track. I need to deliver it to the best of my ability. Coming up in the early days of the Grime scene taught me all about that. Once the mic comes around, you’ve only got one chance to impress. When it comes to social media pressures, I don’t let it phase me. I’ve chosen to put my stuff out there and everyone’s entitled to an opinion. I’m just happy that they’ve taken the time to check my music and comment.

Your EP ‘SR1’ is out now, what are top three things people expect from the project?
When listening to SR1, you can expect the production to be delivered to you with real musical emotion. Flows and catchy melodies to keep you listening. Lastly, something you can hopefully relate to.

You’re credited as an East London artist and producer, which did you start out doing and which of these are you most comfortable doing?
I feel comfortable on both equally. I’ve been making beats, writing, performing, recording and mixing my own music from day one. I feel that every true artist who is instrumental through the whole process is also a producer.

What can we expect from Slick dot R in 2018?
I’ve got a load of original material that I want to share with the world. SR1 Is already available on most streaming services and I’ll be following it up with SR2 around the first quarter of the year. I plan to reach more stages this year coming and I’m excited to hear what people think of this new sound I’m creating.

Follow Slick dot R via Instagram and grab his new single ‘Pressure’ here.