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Slaves at Music Tastes Good 2017 9/30/17. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.
Slaves at Music Tastes Good 2017 9/30/17. Photo by Derrick K. Lee, Esq. (@Methodman13) for www.BlurredCulture.com.


Long Beach, CA- The most turned up I got at Music Tastes Good happened September 30, 2017 at 4:50pm. That’s when the viciously punk, U.K. based duo Slaves took the stage. I knew very little about this duo from Kent, England, but after pogoing up and down to their unbelievably visceral music at Music Tastes Good, I purchased their 2015 debut album “Are You Satisfied” and plan on getting their sophomore album “Take Control” very soon.

You’d think that you’ve seen every freaking incarnation of a band with just a guitar and drums, but I swear to whatever you find holy that you’ve just never seen Slaves perform live. These gents from Kent play with such a wild abandon, and their music is so raw and gritty- I love how they punk out blues riffs- that you’ll be out of breath, covered in sweat, and wanting more by the time they leave the stage.

Slaves is Laurie Vincent (guitar and vocals) and Isaac Holman (drums and vocals). Their live performance was made that much more entertaining by the fact that Isaac doesn’t sit at his drum kit. Rather, he stands upright and dances, kicks and flails to the music as he’s playing it. And who says you need a full drum kit to have a full sound? As Isaac so eloquently made us repeat after him, “Fuck the hi-hat”.

This duo personified the punk ethos with their performance. Whether singing songs with a social or political message, or simply having Laurie kick Isaac’s cymbal to the beat of a tune, it captivated and riled up the Music Tastes Good audience. That sentiment seemed to culminate in the moment when Isaac jumped into the crowd to sing a number. He was like the The Pied Piper of Hamelin with new fans following him with their cameras every step of the way.

Based on this performance alone, I could fully realize why they are so popular in their homeland. I’m willing to place bets that it’s just a matter of time before they are headlining festivals in the states in the future.

Follow Slaves on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


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