As the Wuhan coronavirus explodes all over the globe, the international community is increasingly critical of China’s handling of the outbreak. Since the beginning, the Communist Party’s secrecy and incompetence have led to this crisis slipping out of control.

Many believe the Chinese government is still underreporting Covid-19 data. Unconfirmed reports suggest that these assumptions may be correct. According to the Epoch Times, an anti-communist news outlet in New York, Chinese authorities may have underreported daily Covid-19 infection rates by up to 520%  in Shandong province. The report claims to use leaked internal documents to substantiate these bold claims. Mainland China remains the epicenter of the outbreak with 78,964 cases in that region alone. Despite the huge number of infections in China, many believe the Chinese government is deliberately undercounting the severity of the impact to prevent panic and protect its reputation. According to a study from Ohio State University, the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak could be more widespread than the Chinese authorities are admitting. These researchers conducted a modeling study that estimated the real infection rate to be five to ten times higher than the official government data.